Mumbai Indians won an unprecedented fourth Indian Premier League (IPL) title with a thrilling one-run victory over Chennai Super Kings (CSK) in the IPL 2019 final in Hyderabad on Sunday. Sachin Tendulkar, who is serving as Mumbai Indians 'Icon' since his retirement, said he was at the "top of the world" after the Rohit Sharma-led team clinched the IPL trophy. The former India batsman credited fast bowler Jasprit Bumrah for Mumbai Indians' success, adding that he hopes for an even better showing from the 25-year-old pacer in the upcoming ICC World Cup 2019.
"Bumrah was fantastic," Tendulkar told Yuvraj Singh in a video interview shared by the IPL on Twitter.
Tendulkar asked Yuvraj, who was bought by Mumbai Indians in the last stage of the auction ahead of IPL 2019, "What makes him such a special bowler?".
Yuvraj replied: "I think his action is a bit awkward. It's tough to understand what pace is coming. He's bowling the best I've seen in his career."
Tendulkar agreed to the left-handed batsman and said: "Bumrah is the best bowler in the world. And the best is yet to come, hopefully."
India will now prepare for the World Cup 2019, starting on May 30 in the UK.
Under the captaincy of Virat Kohli, India will start their campaign against South Africa at The Rose Bowl, Southampton, on June 5.
Ahead of the World Cup, India will play two warm-up matches against New Zealand and Bangladesh on May 25 and May 28 respectively.
India have won the World Cup twice in 1983 and 2011.