Australian tennis maverick Nick Kyrgios invited Rafael Nadal to take part in a cosy video chat on Sunday despite their stormy on-court relationship. As the coronavirus has sent the tennis season into hibernation until July 13 at the earliest, a host of players have recently taken to social media for face-to-face exchanges. So, on Sunday, after the BBC had asked for suggestions as to the most sought-after facetimes, Nick Kyrgios was quick to respond. "Rafa lets do Instagram live together. I am down with it. Rafael Nadal let's do it," wrote the Australian on Instagram.
Kyrgios and Nadal have endured a bitter relationship on court.
Last year, the 19-time Grand Slam winner accused the Australian of "lacking respect" after Kyrgios won a stormy encounter in Mexico.
Kyrgios responded by claiming the Spanish world number two was "super-salty".
They met again at Wimbledon last summer when Nadal won but fumed after the Australian appeared to spear a ball directly at him.