Following India's win in the second Test match vs England, Ritika Sajdeh took to Instagram to post a group selfie with husband Rohit Sharma, Shardul Thakur and brother Kunal. Ritika and Rohit have been married since 2015 and also have a daughter, who was born in 2018. Taking to Instagram, Ritika captioned the photograph as "My 3 favourite boys", and it was well-received by fans. One fan pointed out that she liked that Shardul was in the picture. "I really love how Shardul Chachu Hangout with Sharma Family", she wrote.
Ritika Sajdeh Posts Selfie With Her "3 Favourite Boys"
Ritika Sajdeh took to Instagram to post a group selfie, which also included husband Rohit Sharma.
Ritika Sajdeh poses in a group selfie with Rohit Sharma and Shardul Thakur.© Instagram
- Ritika Sajdeh posted a group selfie on Instagram
- It was with Rohit Sharma, Shardul Thakur and her brother
- Rohit Sharma is currently in England for India's Test series
Another fan praised Rohit for his batting skills. He commented, "You would be soo proud that world's best batsmen is your husband!"
One fan had a hilarious take on the bond between Shardul and Rohit. He wrote, "Ohh abhi samjha Isliye 2019 IPL final mai Thakur last ball pe out hogya tha......"
Rohit and Shardul are currently in England for India's five-match Test series. After a draw in the first Test, the visitors won the second match by 151 runs, with KL Rahul scoring a stunning century.
During India's first innings, Rahul slammed 129 runs off 250 balls.
Meanwhile, Rohit also had a good outing, scoring 83 off 145 balls during his side's first innings.
He followed it up with a knock of 21 runs off 36 deliveries in the second innings.
Shardul didn't feature in the playing XI for the second Test match.
The third fixture begins on August 25, and will be held at the Headingley Cricket Ground.
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