India leg-spinner Amit Mishra was involved in an Instagram Live session with his IPL team Delhi Capitals' official Instagram handle on Sunday. During the chat, Amit Mishra talked about many memories from his career and also shared one of his favourites from the time when he was batting with Sachin Tendulkar in a Test match. Mishra said, " I am really proud to have batted with Sachin paaji in 2011 Test series against England. I think it was one of the most memorable moments of my Test career. I had scored 43 in the first innings and went in as night watchman in the second innings". Mishra added, "Sachin paaji kept guiding me throughout my innings and I ended up scoring 84 while paaji made 91".
Amit Mishra has played 22 Test matches for India and scalped 76 wickets with an economy rate of 3.19 in the longest format of the game. In ODIs, Mishra featured in 36 matches and scalped 64 wickets with an economy rate of 4.72. The leg-spinner also represented India in T20Is. He played 10 matches for the country in the shortest format of the game and took 16 wickets with an economy rate of 6.31.
Amit Mishra has been a part of the Delhi team in the IPL for the last eight years. Mishra began his IPL career back in 2008.
Since then, Mishra has played 147 matches in the cash-rich league and has scalped 157 wickets with an economy rate of 7.35. Mishra is the only bowler with three IPL hat-tricks to his name.