Olympic champion Neeraj Chopra's family left for New Delhi on Sunday to receive the star athlete at the airport. "Feeling very good. We are just excited to meet him as soon as possible. I will congratulate him and will tell him 'well done son, you did what you said you will'", Neeraj's father Satish Kumar told ANI. Earlier on Sunday, Haryana Health Minister Anil Vij met the family. The Haryana government has announced a cash reward of Rs 6 crore and a Class 1 category job to Neeraj Chopra.
Neeraj Chopra on Saturday threw the javelin to a distance of 87.58m to pick the gold at the Tokyo Olympics.
He began his quest for a medal with a massive throw of 87.03m and was leading the pack after the end of the first attempt. He bettered it with the second throw of 87.58m.
While he wasn't able to improve any further, it was enough to get him the coveted medal. He is now the second Indian after Abhinav Bindra to win a gold medal in individual events.