India's cricketing legend Sachin Tendulkar took to Twitter on Tuesday to wish the Indian contingent good luck for the upcoming Tokyo Olympics 2020. Tendulkar posted a video in which he highlighted the hard work that the athletes have put in over the years to prepare for the quadrennial event. The Tokyo Olympics, postponed last year due the coronavirus pandemic, is scheduled to kick off on July 23. "We all get goosebumps when we see the tricolour being represented! This Olympics, it shall be no different and we'll all be cheering loudly from India as you make us proud," Tendulkar captioned the video.
In the 44-second video, Tendulkar urged everyone to get behind the Indian athletes and send them wishes ahead of the upcoming marquee event.
"During pandemic, all of us have faced challenges, including our athletes. They did not give up, they kept their preparations going and I know that they are getting geared up to put in their best performance in Tokyo Olympics. A millisecond can be the difference between winning and losing and for this our athletes have worked for years. At this time, they need our support and good wishes. Let's cheer for India," Sachin Tendulkar said.
More than 100 athletes will be travelling to Japan, bidding for a podium finish at the Tokyo Olympics.
The Indian Olympic Association, on Monday, announced India's flag bearers for the Tokyo Olympics. Legendary Boxer Mary Kom and Indian men's hockey team captain Manpreet Singh will be the flag bearers at the opening ceremony on July 23.
World number two wrestler Bajrang Punia was named as the flag bearer for the closing ceremony of the showpiece event.