With the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2022 just round the corner, Rajasthan Royals' (RR) director of cricket and head coach Kumar Sangakkara praised franchise captain Sanju Samson and even termed him as "one of the best T20 players." Samson, who made his debut for RR in 2013, will lead the side for the second straight year in the competition and Sangakkara hopes that the Indian will not only shine with the bat, but also with his leadership qualities. Talking during the Clubhouse conversation on Red Bull Cricket, Sangakkara said: "Irrespective of him being the captain or the future of RR, he is one of the best T20 players."
Continuing on with the praise, Sangakkara highlighted certain qualities that Samson possesses which come in quite handy while leading from the front.
One interesting aspect that the former Sri Lankan captain pointed out was how Samson accepts the fact that he "doesn't know everything" but is willing to "grow" into the role of a much-improved leader.
"He is a magnificent player, destructive, match-winner, has every ability that you want in a batter. He was captain before I took over last season. I have come to know him really well and admire him. He's got such a passion for RR. He started here; he values that. He is a captain who is willing to admit that he doesn't know everything as yet and he is going to grow into it. He's got natural leadership qualities. He's going to get better and better," he added.
Terming Samson as someone who has "got natural leadership qualities", Sangakkara wished to provide all the support the wicketkeeper-batter needed in order to excel with RR.
"He's a simple guy, a man of few words, very grounded. He's absolutely suited for this job and it's made working with him so much easier and fun. He's got a sense of humor as well, and it comes out once in a while. He's got a lot of pride; he wants to win. All I can do is give him the best support to be able to be that leader he knows he can be," Sangakkara said.
RR are scheduled to play their first game in IPL 2022 against SunRisers Hyderabad at the Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium in Pune on March 29.