Senior Chennai Super Kings (CSK) bowler Harbhajan Singh took to Twitter to share a message in Tamil for the fans. In the video shared by Harbhajan, he asks his fans to stay safe from coronavirus by taking all necessary precautions. The bowler can be heard asking his fans to come out of the house only if it is necessary and wear a mask. Harbhajan Singh keeps sharing fun videos for his fans on social media platforms to keep them entertained. The off-spinner is one of the key players of the MS Dhoni-led side.
Harbhajan Singh was picked by CSK in the 2018 IPL auction for his base price of Rs 2 crore. Since then, the off-spinner has played 24 matches for his team and has taken 23 wickets in the last two seasons.
With the IPL taking place in the UAE this year, Harbhajan will once again become a vital player for his team as the pitches might assist spinners during the tournament.
The 40-year-old veteran off-spinner has featured in 160 matches in the cash-rich league so far. Harbhajan has 150 wickets with an economy rate of 7.05 in IPL.
The IPL will begin from September 19 and will be played across Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah this year. All the players will live in a bio-secure bubble for the entire duration of the tournament.
Players are in isolation since arriving in the UAE as a precautionary measure against coronavirus. They have been training in their respective hotel rooms.
The final of the tournament will be played on November 10.