Yuvraj Singh has been active on social media platforms during the nationwide lockdown. On Tuesday, the former India all-rounder shared a fan's artwork in his Instagram story. In the photo shared by Yuvraj Singh, one of his fans can be seen making a portrait of the legendary batsman on a watermelon. Yuvraj Singh in the caption of his Instagram story wrote "nice work" and appreciated his fan's effort. The left-handed batsman has been spending time with his family amid lockdown as the nation fights the coronavirus pandemic.
Recently, Yuvraj started the trend of the "keep it up" challenge on social media. Yuvraj nominated Sachin Tendulkar, Harbhajan Singh, and Rohit Sharma to take it up. Since then, many cricketers have taken up the challenge and completed it successfully. With all cricket action on a halt because of coronavirus, cricketers are finding ways to keep their fans entertained.
Yuvraj has been one of the finest Indian batsmen to have played for India. Yuvraj made his debut for India back in 2000 against Kenya in Nairobi. Since then, the left-handed batsman became a regular feature for the Indian team. Yuvraj played 304 ODIs for the country and scored 8,701 runs with an average of 36.55. He scored 14 centuries in One Day Internationals as well.
Yuvraj also impressed with the ball as he ended up taking 111 wickets in ODIs with an economy rate of 5.10. He also played 40 Test matches and 58 T20Is for the country. He retired from international cricket last year.