Veteran Indian spinner Amit Mishra dropped a few bombs during a podcast, as he shared details from some of the most controversial incidents in Indian cricket. Mishra shared the inside details from the Virat Kohli vs Naveen-ul-Haq battle during Indian Premier League (IPL) 2024, revealing how the Royal Challengers Bengaluru batter abused the Lucknow Super Giants pacer. Mishra even suggested that though everything seems normal between the two on social media, it would be difficult for Naveen to respect Kohli after after that IPL incident. Now, Naveen has responded to Mishra's remarks.
"For social media, it all seemed to be over between them. But do you think Naveen will respect Kohli ever again? What about the youngsters who saw the incident where a big star was abusing others," Mishra had said on Shubhankar Mishra's podcast "Unplugged".
Naveen, who is playing for the Texas Super Kings in USA's Major League Cricket, reiterated that all is well between him and Virat, with the IPL clash only being a 'heat of the moment' incident.
"That was just the heat of the moment during the match and nothing personal. And I and Virat Kohli both have forgotten and in the ODI World Cup, we finished, hugged and we moved on from that. But social media nowadays keeps these things going on and on," Naveen said in a video shared by the Texas Super Kings.
Mishra, who is one of the top wicket-takers in the Indian Premier League, had revealed that Virat abused many LSG players during the IPL 2023 clash, after supposedly getting triggered by Gautam Gambhir's 'finger on lips' gesture during the reverse fixture in Bengaluru.
"He started abusing our players (in the LSG vs RCB rematch in Lucknow). He didn't have any grudges with Kyle Myers but he abused him as well. Naveen-ul-Haq was bowling, he would abuse him too. A lot of things would have been avoided but Kohli chose not to," the former Indian leg-spinner had said.
Kohli himself hasn't yet spoken on the matter.