The Mumbai Cricket Association (MCA) has written to Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray requesting the government to issue necessary guidelines for training resumption after a three-month lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic. While some top players like Shardul Thakur have bowled at his native Palghar, national team vice-captain Rohit Sharma has just started running having followed the gym routine prepared by trainer Nick Webb. "As the governing body for cricket, we have followed all the directions/notifications of the government and we will continue to do so in the future," MCA secretary Sanjay Naik and joint secretary Shahalam Shaikh appealed through a letter which is in possession of PTI.
"At the same time, we have to understand that there are thousands of players who are anxiously waiting to get back to cricketing activities and pursue their careers. They have been patiently waiting for this pandemic to get over. However, it seems that we have to learn to live with the virus," the MCA further wrote.
Since its an unprecedented situation, MCA has sought guidelines from the state government for the start of phased training.
"In these unprecedented times, we request you to kindly provide us some guidelines/standard operating procedures regarding getting back to cricket. We intend to keep all the players well informed so that they follow all the government guidelines," the association wrote.
Mumbai Cricket Association is the governing body for cricket in Greater Mumbai, Thane, Kharghar and Palghar districts. The MCA office located inside the premises of Wankhede Stadium in South Mumbai has also remained shut since mid-March just like the BCCI office.
Mumbai is one of the worst affected cities in the country due to the pandemic. According to the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation, the city on Thursday recorded 1,365 new coronavirus patients and 58 deaths, taking the tally of cases to 70,990 and toll to 4,060.