Gautam Gambhir turned 39 on Wednesday and wishes have poured in from the cricket fraternity and fans on his birthday. The former India cricketer is currently a member of the Lok Sabha. Former teammate Yuvraj Singh took to Twitter to pass on his wishes to the ex-Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) captain. Posting a photo of their international cricket days, Yuvraj wrote, "Mr. GG @GautamGambhir sending you loads of love and best wishes for your special day May you always continue to score big hits through your noble and selfless work for society Waise cake kahan hai bhai?"
Suresh Raina also took to Twitter, wishing Gambhir on his birthday. He wrote, "Happy birthday Gauti bhai @GautamGambhir. May you keep inspiring everyone with you amazing work & continue to make us all proud. Wishing you the best of health & happiness."
KKR along with the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) also hailed him, as did his fans.
Gambhir played most of his international cricket as an opening batsman. He represented Delhi in the domestic cricket and captained KKR, Delhi Daredevils in the Indian Premier League (IPL).
Under Gambhir's captaincy, KKR won their first IPL title in 2012 and also won it once more in 2014.
For India, he has played in 242 international matches, registering 10,324 runs.
He is also a 2007 T20 World Cup winner, and a 2011 ODI World Cup winner.
In 2009, he became the number one batsman in ICC Test rankings, and also won the ICC Test Player of the Year award in that same year.
He has been conferred the Arjuna Award and Padma Shri by the Indian government.