Indian tennis star Sania Mirza on Wednesday extended her greetings to former Pakistan pacer Waqar Younis and his wife Faryal Waqar on the occasion of their 21st wedding anniversary on Wednesday. Faryal Waqar wrote a long post on Twitter for Waqar Younis and Sania, who is married to Pakistan batsman Shoaib Malik, retweeted her and wrote "Awee.. happy anniversary to two of my fav." Waqar Younis also retweeted her wife's post and wrote "Bus Kar Paglii Abb Rulaa Ge Kya" LOVE you always. Thank you for all the sacrifices. Happy 21st Wedding anniversary."
"Happy 21st anniversary.We spend so much time apart as we always seem 2 come 2nd 2 ur passion 4 work,I'm still hanging around bc u make me proud of what u do & who u r.I wouldn't have it any other way. So 4 all the sacrifices, good & bad times,4 all the times to come," Faryal Waqar had written.
Last month, Sania Mirza had revealed that she had tested positive for COVID-19 and spoke about her fight against the virus that has caused a pandemic.
"Just a bit of info as to what's been going on since the year began. I had contracted covid 19. I am healthy and absolutely fine now by grace of the almighty but I just wanted to share my experience," Sania wrote on January 19.
"This virus is no joke, I took all the precautions as I could but still contracted it ..we must do everything we can to protect our friends and family.. wear your masks,wash your hands and protect yourself and your loved ones..we are in this fight together," she had written.