India Test captain Virat Kohli, who confirmed his availability for the third Test after missing the previous one due to a back spasm backed an under-fire Pant to learn from his mistakes.
"We had a conversation with Rishabh during practice. A batter knows if he played the right shot according to the situation. As long as an individual accepts that responsibility (it should be fine). I think that's how progress happens and everyone has made mistakes in their career and got out in important situations. Sometimes due to our fault and sometimes due to the pressure. Sometimes due to the bowler's skill also", he said during a virtual press conference on Monday.
"It is important to know that what was your mindset in that moment. What decision did you take and where was your mistake. I think only after accepting our mistake, we improve and will make sure that it isn't repeated again", he further added.
India take on South Africa in the decider on Tuesday.