On Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 71st birthday, India captain Virat Kohli led wishes from the sports fraternity on social media. Extending his birthday greetings for PM Modi, Kohli wrote "Warm birthday greetings to our honourable PM @narendramodi ji. May you be blessed with good health and happiness." Indian cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar also wished PM Modi on Twitter. "Happy Birthday, Hon. PM @narendramodi ji. Wishing you a year full of good health and happiness," Tendulkar wrote in his tweet.
"Many more happy returns of the day Honourable PM @narendramodi ji. May you be blessed with abundant happiness, great health and a long life," Virender Sehwag tweeted.
Former England batsman Kevin Pietersen too wished the PM on Twitter.
London Olympics bronze medallist Saina Nehwal tweeted an image with PM Modi, wishing him on his birthday.
"Dear @narendramodi sir ... wish u a very happy birthday ... You are a natural-born leader with unique qualities. Thank you for being an inspiration to many," Saina wrote in her tweet.
Wrestler Bajrang Punia, who won bronze at the Tokyo Olympics, greeted the PM in Hindi on Twitter.
PM Modi recently hosted members of the Indian contingent, who represented the country at the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, for breakfast.
PM interacted with all the athletes and lauded them for performing well and bringing glory to the nation.