Gujarat Titans prevailed by seven runs against Lucknow Super Giants in an IPL 2023 match on Saturday. During the match, the sibling rivalry between GT's Hardik Pandya and LSG's Krunal Pandya was at the full display. Having said that, the GT captain tried to sledge his brother, who did not pay any attention and just adjusted his gloves and helmet. The incident happened during LSG's inning when Krunal was walking out to bat and Hardik was seen exchanging words with his brother.
However, the sledging turned into brotherhood after the match as both were seen sharing a heartfelt moment. In a video shared on Twitter, Hardik and Krunal were seen exchaging their match-worn jerseys, before also hugging each other out.
"Only love my brother," Hardik captioned the video.
Ahead of the match, Krunal revealed a funny interaction with his brother Hardik.
Chasing a paltry target of 136 against defending champions Gujarat Titans, Lucknow Super Giants had reached 105/1 in 14 overs. With just 31 needed off the next six overs and half-centurion KL Rahul at the crease, a win was within grasp for LSG.
But then what transpired shocked everybody. GT bowlers checked the run flow as they conceded 19 runs and took two wickets in the next five overs.
Going into the last over, LSG needed 12 off the last six balls. Though it was tough, it was not impossible, especially with a set Rahul, batting on 66, at the crease.