Having already hit the panic button due to the flop show by their Indian domestic batters, Delhi Capitals on Wednesday summoned the uncapped duo of Abhimanyu Easwaran and Priyam Garg for trials. Such has been the form of Prithvi Shaw, Yash Dhull and Lalit Yadav that the DC management has been forced to even look at players who are considered to be red-ball specialists, such as India A 'Test' captain Easwaran.
"The maximum squad strength is 25 and DC has maximum squad strength. Now whether they would replace someone isn't known. As of now, both are on trial," an IPL source tracking DC's developments told PTI on the condition of anonymity.
The only player with dodgy fitness is Khaleel Ahmed who has a hamstring injury. But DC is expecting that Khaleel will get fit in time.
The panic in Delhi ranks is understandable. Easwaran, who isn't even considered good enough for 50-over cricket and has played only 27 T20 domestic games in his 10-year career, has been summoned for trials.
As an opener, a strike rate of 121 isn't impressive enough and the hundred he scored came against a northeastern state.
Garg, a former India U19 captain, is comparatively better placed with two seasons of IPL behind him.
However, an average of 17 and a strike rate of 115 over 44 T20 games is also nothing to write home about.
Easwaran had gone unsold in past few seasons while Garg, after being released by SRH, also had no takers.
Meanwhile, Kamlesh Nagarkoti has sustained a back injury and probably a batter will feature in game on Thursday. Nagarkoti, in any case, was not in contention.
Since the 2018 U-19 World Cup, he has spent most of his time at the National Cricket Academy, doing rehab and played negligible domestic cricket.