Day 1 of the ongoing IPL 2022 Auction saw plenty of drama and surprises on Saturday in Bengaluru. Many players were purchased for huge sums of money and also some star cricketers weren't roped by any team. Fans were particularly shocked with England spinner Adil Rashid going unsold on Day 1 and former cricketer Michael Vaughan echoed those sentiments on social media. Taking to Twitter, Vaughan wrote, "Just don't understand why Adil Rashid doesn't go for big bucks at the #IPL !!! One of the best T20 game changers yet still doesn't get picked up !!!"
Rashid made his IPL debut last year for Punjab Kings (PBKS) but wasn't retained by the franchise.
The 33-year-old had a disappointing campaign with PBKS in IPL 2021 and only featured once in the entire season.
Punjab failed to qualify for the playoffs and finished sixth in the league standings with 12 points from 14 games. The franchise won six matches and lost eight fixtures.
Ishan Kishan became the most expensive buy this year after Mumbai Indians (MI) bought him for Rs 15.25 crore. Meanwhile, Avesh Khan also hit the limelight and became the most expensive uncapped cricketer in IPL auction history after he was picked for Rs 10 crore by Lucknow Super Giants.
Bowling all-rounder Deepak Chahar was also involved in an intense bidding war with Chennai Super Kings (CSK) eventually getting him for Rs 14 crore. Aussie opener David Warner was picked by Delhi Capitals (DC) for Rs 6.25 crore. The batter had a disappointing IPL 2021 season and was also stripped of SunRisers Hyderabad's (SRH) captaincy. He bounced back to good form soon and helped Australia win the T20 World Cup.