Former India player Rohan Gavaskar on Friday posted a throwback photo of him batting as a kid to shut down a troll, who had questioned his credentials. Rohan, son of Indian cricket legend Sunil Gavaskar, represented India in 11 ODIs. He had long and successful career in domestic cricket, playing over a hundred first-class matches and List A matches respectively. He current plies his trade as a cricket commentator and is part of the crew for the ongoing Indian Premier League. Recently, a social media troll tried to take a dig at Rohan by asking about his career.
"@rohangava9 is now commentator in #IPL2022 . When did he played and retired actually. Am I missing #Cricket," a Twitter user posted.
The former India all-rounder was quick to hit back at the troll, sharing a picture of himself playing cricket during his childhood.
"Proof that I did play cricket," replied Rohan.
Rohan, who announced his retirement from competitive cricket in 2012, played 11 ODIs for Team India, scoring 151 runs at an average of 18.87 with a half century to his credit.
The 46-year-old also played in 117 first class matches, amassing 6938 first class runs to his credit at an average of 44.19, hitting 18 centuries and 34 half centuries.
He also played in the IPL briefly, representing the Kolkata Knight Riders between 2009 and 2010.
"Every cricketer aspires to play for the country and I am blessed to have represented India," Gavaskar had said on being asked about playing for his country.