A total of 1,214 cricketers, including 318 from outside India, have registered for the upcoming mega auction ahead of the Indian Premier League 2022 (IPL 2022) season. Among them is Bhutanese cricketer Mikyo Dorji, who will be hoping to create history by becoming the first from his country to bag an IPL contract. With just a couple of weeks left for the mega auction, IPL-aspirant Dorji recently shared a video from the past of him speaking to former India skipper MS Dhoni. In the video, Dhoni can be seen sharing a piece of advice with Dorji.
Watch: IPL-Aspiring Bhutan Cricketer Mikyo Dorji Shares Video Of MS Dhoni's Advice To Him
Bhutanese cricketer Mikyo Dorji will be hoping to create history by becoming the first from his country to bag an IPL contract.
Mikyo Dorji recently shared a video from the past of him speaking to former India skipper MS Dhoni.© Instagram
"'Keep it simple. Focus more on the process and less on the results. If you get the process right you will get the result. And enjoy, don't take too much pressure'," Dorji wrote in the caption accompanying the video, quoting Dhoni.
"Ever since the great MS Dhoni gave me this piece of advice, it has always stuck with me," he added.
Dorji recently said that playing in the IPL is his "ultimate dream".
"Playing in the IPL is an ultimate dream for me. People saw that there was one player in the auction list from Bhutan and my friends started calling me. But they don't know (laughs) that this is just the initial round, and the names are going to be shortlisted further," Dorji told The New Indian Express.
"If I am honest to myself, my name will not be there in the main list after it is trimmed. Anyways, just registering is a big deal for Bhutan," he added.
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