Punjab Kings created a buzz when they bought Tamil Nadu batsman Shahrukh Khan at the mini-auction ahead of Indian Premier League (IPL) 2020. With the batsman being namesakes with Bollywood icon Shah Rukh Khan, who co-owns Kolkata Knight Riders, Punjab Kings co-owner Preity Zinta was seen teasing the actor's son Aryan at the auction saying "we got Shahrukh". On Sunday, Punjab Kings shared a video of the batsman hitting a fine pull shot in training, and teased Shah Rukh Khan's nickname "King Khan" in the caption.
In the video, Shahrukh Khan can be seen sending a short delivery to the cleaners as he rocks back and nails a pull shot.
Shahrukh, who impressed with his big-hitting in the Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy, was picked up at the auction for Rs 5.25 crore by Punjab Kings.
Punjab Kings bought nine players at the auction.
Punjab splashed huge money on two Australians who are yet to play in the T20 league. Jhye Richardson was bought for Rs 14 crore while his fellow Australian fast-bowler Riley Meredith got a Rs 8 crore deal.
They also bagged the number one ranked Twenty20 International batsman Dawid Malan for his base price of Rs 1.5 crore.
Australian all-rounder Moises Henriques will also play for Punjab in the upcoming edition of the franchise-based tournament as he got a Rs 4.2 crore deal.
The KL Rahul-led team also invested in West Indies all-rounder Fabian Allen and Indian uncapped players Jalaj Saxena, Saurabh Kumar and Utkarsh Singh.
Punjab Kings will begin their season on April 12 against Rajasthan Royals at the Wankhede stadium in Mumbai.