Zaheer Khan turned 42 on Wednesday and wishes have poured in from the cricket fraternity and fans on his birthday. The former India pacer is currently in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with Mumbai Indians (MI) for Indian Premier League (IPL) 2020 as their Director of Cricket Operations. Former teammate Yuvraj Singh posted a special tribute for him with a video which had a montage of some special memories. The video was posted on social media, captioned as, "To my brother from another mother - who grows lazier with every birthday! Just remember, I've got your back in your old age too Wishing you another year of lounging on the sofa lots of love and best wishes! Happy birthday @ImZaheer".
Current India captain Virat Kohli also took to Twitter to pass on his wishes. He wrote, "Many happy returns of the day fella @ImZaheer. Wishing you a year filled with happiness and success. Enjoy the day."
The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) also hailed him, with a special tweet, as did his fans.
The Maharashtra native played in 309 matches for the Indian national team, and grabbed 610 wickets. Also, a 2011 ODI World Cup winner, Zaheer was famous for his yorkers. He has also received the Arjuna Award and Padma Shri.
In a career marred with recurring injuries, Zaheer represented MI, Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) and Delhi Daredevils in the IPL. It is worth noting that only Muttiah Muralitharan (325) and Shaun Pollock (252) have scalped more left-handed batsmen than Zaheer, who has registered 237 wickets of southpaws.