Former India cricketer Yuvraj Singh and his wife Hazel Keech on Saturday revealed the name of their baby boy. Taking to social media, Yuvraj shared pictures of the couple with their son. "Welcome to the world Orion Keech Singh," Yuvraj wrote in the caption along with a heart emoji. "Mummy and Daddy love their little "puttar". Your eyes twinkle with every smile just as your name is written amongst the stars," he added, along with the hashtag #HappyFathersDay. The couple had announced the birth of their child on January 25.
Yuvraj Singh Reveals Name Of Baby Boy On Father's Day
Yuvraj Singh and his wife Hazel Keech revealed the name of their baby boy.
Yuvraj Singh shared pictures with Hazel Keech and their baby boy.© Twitter
Yuvraj's former teammate Irfan Pathan and Bollywood stars Bipasha Basu and Sagarika Ghatge - who is also married to another former teammate Zaheer Khan - were among those who showered their love on Yuvraj's Instagram post, while former England star Kevin Pietersen dropped a heart emoji on his tweet.
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