Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday thanked former India skipper Kapil Dev and said the legend has been the source of inspiration for all sports lovers in the country. PM Modi's praise for Kapil Dev came after the World Cup-winning captain praised him for interacting with the Indian athletes who participated in the recently concluded Tokyo Olympics. "Dear @narendramodi Ji, Watched your interaction with Olympians and absolutely loved it. This will strike a chord with every sportsperson.Aaj aapne poori sports fraternity ka dil jeet liya hai. Jai Hind!(You have won hearts of all sports fraternity, Jai Hind)," Kapil Dev had written.
"Thank you @therealkapildev Ji for the kind words. You have been a constant source of inspiration for all sports lovers. All of us have to work together and ensure Indian sports reaches new heights in the times to come," PM Modi wrote while replying to Kapil Dev's tweet.
The Indian Tokyo Olympics contingent had on Monday has a breakfast with the Prime Minister at his residence. The PM interacted with the athletes and praised them for expressing themselves at the showpiece event.
PM Modi had earlier in his Independence Day speech -- on Sunday -- applauded the Indian Olympic athletes and said the country is proud of them for bringing glory to the nation and their feat has inspired future generations.
India recorded its best-ever medal haul at the recently concluded Olympics by bagging a total of seven medals -- one Gold, two silver, and four bronze.