Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma are reportedly on a holiday in Bhutan ahead of the cricketer's 31st birthday. Anushka Sharma revealed how a local family that they met in a small village on a mountain charmed them with a sweet gesture. Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli is currently rested from the ongoing T20 International series with Bangladesh and will celebrate his birthday on Tuesday. Sharing a few pictures of the cricketer-actor pair in the idyllic landscape and with a "warm family", Anushka Sharma shared an experience that won hearts of many on the internet.
Anushka Sharma tweeted, "Today, during our 8.5 km uphill trek we stopped by a small village on a mountain to pet and feed a baby calf who was born just 4 months ago. While we did that the owner of the house asked us if we were tired and wanted to have a cup of tea?"
"So we went into the home of this beautiful and warm family who had absolutely no idea who we were and yet they treated us with such warmth and love. We spent some time with them chatting and drinking tea and the whole time they just know us as two tired trekkers!" she said in the another tweet.
Anushka revealed that those who know her and Kohli know that they love such "simple and pure human connection".
"Whoever knows Virat and me very closely, know that both of us live for such moments of genuine, simple and pure human connection. It fills us with such joy & peace knowing that they just wanted to be kind to two random foreigners (plus our guide) without seeking anything in return," she tweeted.
"If this is not the true meaning of life then I don't know what is. A memory we will cherish forever," Anushka said on Twitter.
Kohli will be back on the cricket field when India host Bangladesh for a two-match Test series, starting November 14 in Indore.
Kohli led the number one-ranked Indian Test team to clean sweep victories over the West Indies in the Caribbean and South Africa at home in recent past.
With the win against South Africa, India registered their 11th consecutive Test series triumph at home and consolidated their lead at the top of the ICC Test Championship points table.