Shikhar Dhawan took to social media to share a photo of him posing with Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra. As revealed by the Indian cricketer on Instagram, the duo was shooting together, and he thanked her for the good time. Not in India's squad for the upcoming first two Test matches vs England, Dhawan seems to be enjoying his time, as shown by his recent social media posts. Posting on Instagram, he captioned the photo as, "Had a super time shooting with you @parineetichopra Good fun".
Shikhar Dhawan Poses With Bollywood Actress Parineeti Chopra While Shooting Together, Thanks Her For "A Superb Time"
Not part of India's upcoming first two Test matches against England, Shikhar Dhawan took to Instagram to share a photo with Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra while they were shooting together.
Shikhar Dhawan shared a photo with Parineeti Chopra on Instagram.© Instagram
Shikhar Dhawan and Parineeti Chopra were shooting together
Shikhar Dhawan was part of India's ODI, T20 teams vs Australia
He hasn't been included in the first two Test matches vs England
The photo was well-received by his fans, who showered the duo with love and warmth.
Dhawan was recently part of India's tour of Australia. He participated in the limited-overs leg of the tour and was in good form.
He posted scores of 74, 30 and 16 during the ODI series, which India lost 1-2. He followed it up with scores of 1, 52 and 28 in the T20I series, which the visitors won 2-1 against Australia. Dhawan wasn't part of India's team in the Border-Gavaskar Trophy, which they retained in dramatic manner.
India's upcoming four-match Test series begins from February 5. The first two matches will take place in Chennai's MA Chidambaram Stadium. The other two fixtures will be held in Ahmedabad's Motera Stadium.
Before the Australia tour, Dhawan also had a good IPL 2020 season, scoring 618 runs in 17 matches, packed with two tons and four fifties. He was second in the race for the Orange Cap, and helped Delhi Capitals reach the final, where they lost to Mumbai Indians (MI).
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