Pacer Jasprit Bumrah said that choosing between Yuvraj Singh and MS Dhoni is like picking between one's mother and father. Yuvraj and Bumrah were doing an Instagram Live session and it was then that the former India all-rounder decided to throw a difficult question at the fast bowler. When Bumrah was asked to name the better match-finisher between Yuvraj and Dhoni, the pacer replied: "I cannot pick one, choosing between Yuvraj Singh and MS Dhoni is like choosing between mum and dad".
Bumrah tried his best to avoid answering the question, but Yuvraj kept trying.
Former India all-rounder Yuvraj then said that he would not mind if the pacer ended up choosing Dhoni.
During the Instagram Live session, Yuvraj also asked Bumrah to name the better batsman between Virat Kohli and Sachin Tendulkar.
However, Bumrah also dodged this question saying that he does not have much experience.
Yuvraj went on to praise Bumrah, saying the pacer has the potential to become the number one bowler in the world in all three formats of the game.
During the Instagram Live session, Yuvraj said: "You need to believe that you would be the number one bowler in the world. You should not be bothered about what the outside world thinks."
"You have the potential to be the number one bowler in the world in all the formats. Your focus should be to become the number one bowler for the next two years. You are the most mature guy on the side. You are one of the nicest guys," he added.
Bumrah also said during the session that people had ruled out a a cricket career for him due to his unusual action.
"Many people told me that I won't play for long, there was an expectation that the last person to play for the country would be me," said Bumrah when Yuvraj asked him about his high-arm bowling action.
"They told me that I would just play one or two Ranji Trophy games, that it (the action) is difficult for the body. But I kept on improving and I persisted with my action," the pacer said.
Bumrah was last seen in action during India's two-match Test series against New Zealand earlier this year.
He managed to take six wickets, but the side lost the series 0-2. This was their first defeat in the World Test Championship.
Bumrah is currently ranked as the number two bowler in the ICC ODI rankings, while he is on the seventh spot in the Test rankings.
He would have been in action for Mumbai Indians in the Indian Premier League (IPL) if the tournament had commenced on March 29.
However, the tournament has been postponed indefinitely due to the coronavirus pandemic.