The first two Tests of the upcoming India-England serieswill be played at the MA Chidambaram Stadium behind closed doors, a top official from host association TNCA said on Friday. According to Tamil Nadu Cricket Association (TNCA) secretary R S Ramasaamy, the two Tests would be played without spectators as per a BCCI directive, considering the prevailing COVID-19 situation. "Yes...crowd will not be allowed for the two Test matches as a preventive measure in view of the virus situation," he told PTI.
Also, a circular dated January 20 has been sent out to TNCA members saying that the decision to play the matches behind closed doors was taken along with the BCCI.
"In view of the prevailing COVID pandemic, the BCCIhas decided not to take any kind of risk with the safety of the players during the forthcoming India-England Test series," the circular read.
"As per the BCCI directive, the first two Test matches between February 5 and February 17 being held at M A Chidambaram stadium will take place behind closed doors (No Spectators/Guests/Sub-Committee Members) as a preventive measure," it added.
The teams are expected to reach Chennai by January 27 and undergo testing before entering the bio-bubble.
It must be noted that the Indian government had recently announced that outdoor sporting events could be conducted with 50 per cent spectators after following the standard operating procedures.
The first Test is scheduled from February 5.