Sachin Tendulkar on Wednesday took to Twitter to wish the Indian Army personnel on Army Day, which is celebrated every year on January 15. "Wishing our Indian Army personnel and their families a happy Army Day. We thank our jawans for their selfless service to the nation. Jai Hind!," tweeted Sachin, who holds an honorary rank of Group Captain in the Indian Air Force since 2010. Apart from Sachin Tendulkar, athletes from different fields also thanked the Indian Army for their "selfless services and sacrifices" for the country. Suresh Raina, Gautam Gambhir, Babita Phogat and Bajrang Punia were among those who wished the Army on the special day.
The Army Day is celebrated every year on January 15 because on this very day in 1949 Field Marshal KM Cariappa, who was then a Lieutenant General, took over as the first Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army.
He took over from General Sir Francis Butcher, who was the last British Commander-in-Chief of India.
Suresh Raina, who is currently undergoing rehabilitation, after he underwent a surgery, also thanked the army personnel on the Army Day.
"My regards & gratitude to all army personnel on this #ArmyDay. Their selfless services & sacrifices are unmatchable & beyond any words," Raina wrote on Twitter.
"You have never lived until, You have almost died, And for those who choose to fight, Life has a special flavor, The protected will never know!!! " - Capt R Subramanium. #Armyday," Gambhir tweeted.
Among other athletes, who wished the Army, were wrestler Babita Phogat and Bajrang Punia.
In their posts, written in Hindi, both the athletes praised the Army for their extraordinary valour with which they protect the countrymen as well as the nation from outside threats.