India captain Rohit Sharma gave the second practice match against Western Australia a miss on Thursday but continued to put more work under his belt in the a practice session. In a video that has been shared on social media, Rohit could be seen take an aggressive route and smashing the bowler. The Hitman hasn't been in the best of form in Team India's recent outings when it comes to T20Is but looks determined to gain some momentum ahead before the T20 World Cup 2022 begins.
Rather took a rather interesting decision in Team India's practice match against Western Australia. The India skipper decided to only field in the match but gave batting a miss. Instead, he allowed the likes of Rishabh Pant, KL Rahul, Deepak Hooda, Dinesh Karthik, etc. to get a go at the Western Australian bowlers.
Not just Rohit, India's talismanic batter Virat Kohli also decided against batting in the match. Kohli had opted out of batting in the first match against WACA XI as well.
Both Kohli and Rohit refrained from testing themselves against Wester Australian bowlers in the second match but were spotting playing some lusty shots in a practice session later. This decision by the Indian management has really baffled fans on social media.
Team India lost the second practice match against Western Australia by 36 runs despite KL Rahul scoring a stupendous knock of 74. India are now scheduled to take on Australia and New Zealand in a couple of T20 World Cup warm-up matches on October 17 and 19 respectively.
In all likeliness, Rohit and Kohli will be a part of the Indian team's XI in those two matches.