Walk The Talk With Manika Batra, CWG 2018 Table Tennis Gold Medallist

"I'm not afraid of Chinese players", asserts Manika Batra, the golden girl of the Indian contingent at the Commonwealth Games 2018. After winning four medals at the Gold Coast, Manika was the highest individual medal winner at the games. Manika's coach says that she has a lot to improve if she wants to catch up with the Chinese, Singaporean and Japanese player. However, he reassures that Manika is India's best bet in Table Tennis. With corporates entering sports in a big way, the Ultimate Table Tennis League (UTT) has helped spring new talent in the game in India. Manika's ultimate wish is to inspire youngsters and win an Olympic gold. Watch Manika Batra and her coach Sandeep Gupta reveal her secret to success in this exceptional episode of Walk The Talk.