Chennai and Rajasthan Teams May Not Be Terminated, Hints IPL Chairman

"They (Justice Lodha panel) have not made this provision (for banning of Chennai Super Kings and Rajasthan Royals), they have not recommended that; whatever they have recommended will be implemented. Beyond that, if BCCI Working Committee decides something, it's up to them," said IPL chairman Rajeev Shukla to NDTV, hinting that the two teams may not be terminated. He also defended the presence of IPL COO Sundar Raman, whose actions are being probed by Lodha committee, in the IPL Governing Council meeting. "Sundar Raman is the COO of IPL, so in that capacity he was there," Mr Shukla said adding, "Whenever they (Justice Lodha panel) will make a recommendation about Sundar Raman, we will decide."