Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday hailed the Indian contingent at the Tokyo Paralympics after the country recorded its best ever performance at the Games. India secured a total of 19 medals in Tokyo, including five gold, eight silver and six bronze medals, to finish 24th in the final medal tally. With this haul, India surpassed all its previous showings at the Paralympics. Prior to the Tokyo edition of the Games, India had managed a combined total of 12 medals in all editions of the Paralympics. It had included a total of four gold medals.
Hailing the country's record showing at the Paralympics, PM Modi wrote on Twitter: "In the history of Indian sports, the Tokyo #Paralympics will always have a special place. The games will remain etched in the memory of every Indian and will motivate generations of athletes to pursue sports. Every member of our contingent is a champion and source of inspiration."
Congratulating the athletes, their families, coaches and support staff, the PM also praised authorities in Japan for the successful organisation of the Games.
"The historic number of medals India won has filled our hearts with joy. I would like to appreciate the coaches, support staff and families of our athletes for their constant support to the players. We hope to build on our successes to ensure greater participation in sports," he tweeted.
"Like I had said earlier, the people of Japan, particularly Tokyo and the Japanese Government, must be lauded for their exceptional hospitality, eye for detail and spreading the much needed message of resilience and togetherness through these Olympics," added PM Modi.
The Tokyo Paralympics come to an end on Sunday.