Anjum Khan, actor and wife of cricketer Shivam Dube, on Saturday put an emotional post on social media for legendary India captain MS Dhoni. Sharing a really long post on social media with the picture of her meeting with Dhoni, Anjum revealed her respect and admiration for the former India captain. While openly accepting her craze for Dhoni's game, Anjum admitted that she cheers louder for the player even when it is compared to the one for her husband Shivam Dube. Such was the length of the post that left the netizens in awe.
Anjum Khan, Wife Of Shivam Dube, Pens Emotional Note For MS Dhoni
Anjum Khan, actor and wife of cricketer Shivam Dube, on Saturday put an emotional post on social media for legendary India captain MS Dhoni.
Shivam Dube (left) and his wife Anjum Khan with MS Dhoni.© Instagram
"Anjum Bhabhi you won our respect," wrote a user. "Ma'am such a nice caption," wrote another user. "Emotional... Can feel... - A MSDian," was also among the comments.
Recently, India player and Lucknow Super Giants captain KL Rahul had also talked about the craze of Dhoni among the fans and the pressure the players feel while playing against him. He made the statement after LSG's win over CSK in their IPL 2024 match at Ekana Cricket Stadium in Lucknow on Friday.
LSG had kept things under control before Moeen Ali (30 off 20) and MS Dhoni (28 off 9) went on a six-hitting spree to take CSK to a fighting 176 for six.
"Halfway stage, I would have been happy with 160. Felt the wicket was slow, a bit of grip but not too much. 160-165 would have been ideal.
"But MSD walks in and the bowlers feel intimidated. He walks in and bowlers were under pressure, the crowd was really loud, he has done it in the past," said Rahul after the game.
Dhoni called time on his international cricket career in August 2020. It is worth noting that he is the only captain to win ICC's all three major tournaments - Champions Trophy, Cricket World Cup and T20 World Cup.
Dhoni, who continues to play in IPL, passed on the CSK captaincy to Ruturaj Gaikwad ahead of IPL 2024.
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