Mumbai Indians' IPL 2023 match against Kolkata Knight Riders was a special one for Tendulkar household as the youngest member of the family Arjun made his debut in the top T20 league. Arjun and Sachin Tendulkar are now the first father-son duo to play in the IPL. After the debut, former players and celebrities congratulated Arjun on social media. In the match against KKR, Arjun bowled two overs of left-arm pace and gave away 17 runs.
Amid the flurry of wishes, there was one in particular, which was a special one. "Well played @mipaltan And so wonderful to see a #Tendulkar back in the #MI line-up. Congratulations #ArjunTendulkar on your debut. @sachin_rt must be so proud," Abhishek Bachchan tweeted after Arjun's IPL debut.
In response to that Sachin Tendulkar thanked Bachchan and revealed that the actor was "probably the first one" to face Arjun's bowling.
"Thank you, Abhishek...and this time, a Tendulkar opened the bowling instead of batting. Also, you were probably the first one to face his bowling when we used to play below our building!" Sachin tweeted.
Sachin also took to social media to pen a heartfelt post. "Arjun, today you have taken another important step in your journey as a cricketer. As your father, someone who loves you and is passionate about the game, I know you will continue to give the game the respect it deserves and the game will love you back. (1/2)," first part of the tweet read.
"You have worked very hard to reach here, and I am sure you will continue to do so. This is the start of a beautiful journey. All the best!," the ex-India opener added in the second part of his tweet.