As India continues to struggle with the second wave of COVID-19, Chennai Super Kings (CSK) all-rounder Ravindra Jadeja, on Friday, posted a message for his fans. CSK shared the video of the same on their official Twitter handle. "We are one and we shall overcome as one! Kindly #StayHomeStaySafe," CSK wrote in the caption box. In the short clip, Jadeja asked fans to "come together" to battle COVID-19. "Please stay home and stay safe and keep your family safe. In these tough times, we have to come together and fight the battle against COVID-19," Jadeja said.
The tweet received almost 10,000 likes. Jadeja also urged fans to sanitize their hands regularly and asked them to help each other in these tough times.
"Please wear a mask and sanitize your hands regularly. And please, help the people around you. Ask them, if they need any help. Because, sometimes, some people tend to hesitate while seeking any kind of help or support from anyone. Please ask them upfront, if they require any support and help them. Because only if we stand together in these tough times, we will be able to win the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic," Jadeja added.
The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), on Tuesday, indefinitely postponed the Indian Premier League (IPL) after several coronavirus cases were reported inside the bio-bubble.
The MS Dhoni-led Chennai Super Kings were placed at the second spot in the IPL table with 10 points in their kitty when the mega event was postponed.
CSK played seven games this season and won five. Only the defending champions, Mumbai Indians (MI), and the Rishabh Pant-led Delhi Capitals were able to get the better of CSK in IPL 2021.