Mumbai Indians wicketkeeper-batsman Ishan Kishan took to social media to share pictures with teammate Hardik Pandya. While in the first picture, the two can be seen posing for the camera, the second picture is more candid and sees the two sharing a good laugh. "Instagram vs Reality," he aptly captioned the post on Twitter. The 23-year-old left-hander also shared the pictures on Instagram. His Instagram post garnered over 82,000 'likes' while on Twitter, his post was liked over 3,000 times.
IPL 2021: Ishan Kishan's "Instagram vs Reality" Post With Hardik Pandya Is Winning The Internet
IPL 2021: Ishan Kishan shared pictures with teammate Hardik Pandya and the internet can't get enough of the two "cuties".
IPL 2021: Ishan Kishan and Hardik Pandya will soon be in action for Mumbai Indians.© Instagram
Ishan Kishan shared a set of photos with Hardik Pandya
"Instagram vs Reality," he captioned it
Natasa Stankovic and Krunal Pandya commented on his post
"These two are all of us with our best friend," Mumbai Indians commented on Ishan Kishan's Instagram post.
Hardik Pandya's wife, Natasa Stankovic, commented with a heart emoji, while Krunal Pandya's wife Pankhuri Sharma wrote "Cuties".
Krunal also commented with two heart emojis.
Ishan Kishan and Hardik Pandya were both named in India's squad for the T20 World Cup.
Rohit Sharma, Suryakumar Yadav, Jasprit Bumrah and Rahul Chahar are the other MI players who have been selected in India's World Cup squad.
The Mumbai Indians players are currently in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) ahead of the resumption of Indian Premier League (IPL) 2021.
IPL 2021 will commence again on September 19, with Mumbai Indians taking on Chennai Super Kings in the first game after the restart.
Mumbai Indians were fourth on the points table before the season was suspended due to Covid cases in the tournament bio-bubble in India in May.
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