The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) officials, including president Roger Binny and secretary Jay Shah, met in New Delhi on Thursday to discuss the plans for the upcoming ODI World Cup in India. The tournament will start on October 5, with the final set to be played on November 19 in Ahmedabad. As per sources, members from the 10 hosting venues have also been invited to the meeting, which was called by Shah. However, the biggest topic of discussion will be the rescheduling India vs Pakistan match.
The blockbuster match, which is scheduled to be held in Ahmedabad on October 15, could be moved to October 14 due to the first day of Navaratri.
NDTV have learned that the security agencies have advised the BCCI to reschedule the match to October 14 as October 15 is the first day of 'Navratri'.
News agency PTI reported that the India-Pakistan game will not move out of the Narendra Modi Stadium but the fans will still need to change their travel plans.
The schedule for the ODI World Cup was announced last month by the International Cricket Council (ICC).
In the opening match of the tournament, defending champions England will take on New Zealand, the runners up of the previous edition at the Narendra Modi Stadium on October.
A total of 48 matches will be played across 10 venues, with the final set to be played on November 19.
India play their opening World Cup game against Australia in Chennai on October 8 while Pakistan's first two games have been scheduled in Hyderabad on October 6 and October 12.