Sunil Chhetri, the Indian football team captain, took to Twitter on Saturday and shared a bizarre request made by a fan on one of his social media platforms. A fan sent a message to Sunil Chhetri requesting him to share his Netflix password. "Here's someone who has priorities straight and it's really making me want to consider the demand," Sunil Chhetri tweeted with the screenshot of the message sent by his fan.
Soon, Sunil Chhetri's Twitter followers started to react and appreciated the footballer's sense of humour.
Recently, Sunil Chhetri was picked among 28 past and present stars for FIFA's campaign to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
FIFA and the World Health Organization (WHO) teamed up to combat the coronavirus by launching a new awareness campaign led by world-renowned footballers, who are calling on all people around the world to follow five key steps to stop the spread of the disease.
Sunil Chhetri also featured in an Asian Football Confederation (AFC) campaign to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and requested people to do all they can to overcome "these challenging times".
"Let's work together - as a team - to break the chain and stop the spread of COVID-19. I stand with everyone in India and around the world to put these challenging times behind us and hope that we can all return to our normal lives soon," said Chhetri.
Chhetri is only behind Cristiano Ronaldo and leads the likes of mega superstars such as Lionel Messi in the international goalscoring charts.