Yuvraj Singh turned 39 on Saturday with wishes pouring in for the former India cricketer on social media. Yuvraj Singh's former teammates Virender Sehwag, Gautam Gambhir, Suresh Raina, VVS Laxman among others took to Twitter to extend their birthday greetings to the southpaw. Sehwag, who is known for his wit and humour, used lines from a famous advertisement to wish Yuvraj on his birthday. "Jab tak balla chalta tha, tab tak thaat thi, Bowlers ki vaat thi. Ab balla chalne ke baad bhi alag hi baat hai. Bowlers ke kachhe utaarne se lekar, Baniyan pehnkar match dekhne ka Swag- yahi hain apne Yuvraj #HappyBirthdayYuvi," tweeted Sehwag.
Cricketer-turned-politician Gautam Gambhir, in his birthday message, highlighted Yuvraj's role in India's both World Cup triumphs -- 2007 World T20 and 2011 50-over World Cup.
"Wishing India's man of both world cups and my dear brother @YUVSTRONG12. a very happy birthday! Your journey has been an inspiration for millions Prince! Stay healthy and happy always!," Gambhir wrote on the micro-blogging site, sharing a picture with Yuvraj from their playing days.
Suresh Raina, who retired from international cricket in August this year alongside MS Dhoni, also extended his greetings to Yuvraj on his birthday.
"Happy Birthday Yuvi Pa @YUVSTRONG12. May you be the healthiest & happiest always. Keep shining & keep inspiring us forever. Here is to all our wonderful memories on & off the field.#HappyBirthdayYuvi," Raina tweeted.
Yuvraj played a key role as India won the 50-over World Cup in 2011. Yuvraj was at his all-round best, scoring 362 runs and picking 15 wickets. He was adjudged the Player of the tournament for his heroics throughout the competition.