Team India's former skipper MS Dhoni turned 42 on Friday. Wishes started pouring in for the cricket legend from all corners. Be it the great Sachin Tendulkar or star player Rishabh Pant, many current and former cricketers took their time out to wish the Jharkhand player. Meanwhile, the Dhoni fans too made his day special by celebrating his birthday in different ways. On the other hand, Dhoni too acknowledged the effort of his fans by waving for them from the terrace of his house. The video is now going viral on social media.
Watch it here:
Dhoni has one of the most inspiring journeys in sports history. From working as a ticket collector at a railway station, he transformed into India's biggest trophy collector, leading the team to ICC T20 World Cup 2007, ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 and ICC Champions Trophy 2013 as skipper.
He made his international debut in 2004 and made a name for himself as a ferocious hitter of the cricket ball, but mellowed down with time to a finisher who would guide his team to wins with his calculated aggression and amazing tactics.
Dhoni's strongest format was the ODIs. In 350 ODIs, he scored 10,773 runs at an average of 50.57. He scored 10 centuries and 73 fifties for India, with the best score of 183 not out. He is India's fifth-highest scorer in ODIs (with Sachin Tendulkar at the top with 18,426 runs). He is also the 11th most successful ODI batter of all time. The fact that he managed to score 10,000-plus runs at an average of over 50 while coming down the order makes his statistics even more astonishing.
(With ANI Inputs)