Batting legend Sachin Tendulkar served his fans a treat when he shared a video of him relishing his "perfect breakfast" on social media platforms. The former India cricketer wore a big smile on his face as he enjoyed a plate of 'Misal Pav'. In the video, Sachin can be heard saying that there is something different about 'Misal Pav' before saying that it reminds him of the Burmese dish called 'Khow Suey'. His love for 'Misal Pav' was evident as he termed the dish "ek number".
Watch: Sachin Tendulkar Relishes This Indian Dish, Says Reminds Him Of Khow Suey
Batting legend Sachin Tendulkar shared a video of him relishing his "perfect breakfast" and even compared it to the Burmese Khow Suey.
Sachin Tendulkar shared a video eating Misal Pav.© Twitter
- Sachin Tendulkar shared a video eating Misal Pav
- Sachin is known to have a taste for several varieties of food
- Sachin often shows off his cooking skills through social media posts
In one of his posts on Instagram, Sachin had earlier revealed his "favorite snack" with a caption that said: "Vada Pav was, is and always will be one of my favorite snacks."
After Sachin retired from cricket, cooking has been one of his most loved hobbies which he has shared with his fans through social media posts.
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