Rohit Sharma turned 33 on Thursday with wishes pouring in from all parts of the globe for the only batsman in world to have three 200 plus scores in One-Day International (ODI) cricket. The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) took to Twitter to post a video tribute, remembering Rohit Sharma's debut knock in Test cricket. "Happy Birthday, Hitman On @ImRo45's special day, here is a recap of The Hitman show in whites. This one was in one of his favourite hunting grounds - Kolkata #HappyBirthdayRohit," the BCCI captioned the video. Indian captain Virat Kohli also took to Twitter to extend his wishes to Rohit on his 33rd birthday.
"Happy birthday, Rohit! Wishing you and the family health and happiness in these dire times. Stay home, stay safe, bake a cake. @ImRo45 #HappyBirthdayRohit," Suresh Raina tweeted.
"You are one of the nicest and most genuine people I know. Wish you a very happy birthday bro
@ImRo45 #HappyBirthdayRohit #HappyBirthdayHitman," Khaleel Ahmed tweeted.
"Happy Birthday, Sharmaaaa! Have a great year ahead. Here's wishing you and your family health and happiness Hugging face- God Bless @ImRo45 #HappyBirthdayRohit #HitmanDay #HappyBirthdayHitman," Ravi Shastri said.
Mayank Agarwal also wished Rohit and credited him for his maiden Test hundred
Rohit holds the record for the highest individual score in ODIs. He achieved this feat against Sri Lanka in Kolkata in 2014 when he smashed 264 runs.
Rohit is also one of the three Indian batsmen who have scored a hundred in all three formats of the game.
The Hitman, as he is so often referred to, has played 224 ODIs so far. He has 29 centuries and 43 half-centuries to his name.
Rohit has also been part of 108 Twenty20 Internationals. In the shortest format, the right-handed batsman has 2773 runs with the help of four hundreds.
In Test cricket, Rohit averages above 46 and has scored 2141 runs in 32 games.