Jaydev Unadkat, the Rajasthan Royals fast-bowler, took to social media on Wednesday to reveal that he has tied the knot with Rinny on Tuesday. Unadkat posted a picture with his wife along with a note that said that the wedding took place on February 2 in a ceremony that included family and friends. The couple got engaged on March 15 last year. "It gives us great joy in sharing us that our wedding took place on the 2nd of February, 2021 in an intimate ceremony with family and friends," the note read.
"We are grateful for the all love you have showered upon us and seek your blessings as we embark on this incredible new journey together."
Soon after Unadkat shared the news of his marriage on Twitter, fans flooded social media with congratulatory messages.
In May 2020, Unadkat credited Rinny for urging him to use the time away from the game to start learning new things - like playing a guitar.
"I had done a few classes in the past but then lost touch a couple of years back. Luckily my fiancee is also a guitar fan and has taken lessons in the past and both of us decided to enrol for online classes," Unadkat had said in an interview to PTI.
Unadkat picked up six wickets in the recently-concluded Syed Mushtaq Ali trophy but failed to take Saurashtra to the knockouts.
The left-arm pacer will be seen in action, playing for Rajasthan Royals in the upcoming edition of the Indian Premier League.
The Rajasthan-based franchise retained Unadkat on January 20 ahead of the mini player auction, scheduled to be held on February 18.