The Indian cricket team will assemble in Delhi on June 5 ahead of the five-match T20 series against South Africa. The first match of the series begins on June 9 and South Africa will arrive on June 2. There will be no crowd restrictions and there will be no bio-bubble for the series though players will be tested regularly for COVID-19.
The other venues are Cuttack (June 12), Visakhapatnam (June 14), Rajkot (June 17) and Bengaluru (June 19).
"The Indian team will assemble here on June 5 while the South Africans land in Delhi on June 2," DDCA joint secretary Rajan Manchanda told PTI.
The Indian cricketers are in the middle of a much needed break post a two-month long IPL.
K L Rahul will lead the Indian team in the absence of regular skipper Rohit Sharma who has been rested for the series alongside other all format players, including Virat Kohli and Jasprit Bumrah.
(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)