Former India opener Gautam Gambhir has gone into self-imposed isolation due to a positive coronavirus case in his home. The former Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) captain is still awaiting his result of his test, the Member of Parliament took to Twitter to state and his fans sent their wishes to him and his family. Gambhir tweeted, "Due to a case at home, I have been in isolation awaiting my COVID test result. Urge everyone to follow all guidelines & not take this lightly. Stay safe!"
Today, India reported 47,638 fresh COVID-19 cases, taking the country's total toll to 84.11 lakh with 1,24, 985 deaths. Gambhir resides in Delhi. The national capital on Thursday reported over 6,000 cases within 24 hours.
The pandemic has bought the entire nation to a standstill. Even the ongoing Indian Premier League (IPL) 2020 was shifted to United Arab Emirates (UAE) due to the rising active cases in India.
Gambhir's former team KKR finished at fifth position in the table, and couldn't make it past the league phase.
Gambhir is a 2011 Cricket World Cup winner, and also helped India to the 2007 World Twenty20 title. As captain of KKR, he led them to their first-ever IPL trophy in 2012 and then again in 2014.