Indian cricket team stalwart Virat Kohli was expected to visit Ayodhya for the Pran Pratishtha ceremony of the Ram Temple on Monday. Kohli did get the invite for the same and was expected to attend the ceremony but only the likes of Sachin Tendulkar, Anil Kumble, Ravindra Jadeja, and a few other cricketers were spotted. The same day, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) also revealed that Virat had to pull out of the first two Tests against England, owing to a personal concern. But, there are those claiming that Virat did attend the Consecration of the Ram temple.
A picture of Kohli has been extensively shared on social media, with claims that he was at the Ram Temple in Ayodhya for the ceremony.
The picture being shared, however, isn't from the occasion. It belongs to another religious occasion in the past that the cricketing icon had visited. Kohli is said to have visited his friend Rahul Kanal for Ganesh Chaturthi a few months ago. The picture, being shared as his Ayodhya visit, is from that event in reality.
A few social media accounts, however, also suggested that Kohli had reached Ayodhya to attend the Pran Pratishtha ceremony but had to leave because of a personal situation. What exactly is the personal emergency, however, hasn't been revealed yet.
In the absence of Kohli, the video of his doppelganger did go viral. Kohli's look-alike came to Ayodhya on the occasion and was surrounded by fans requesting selfies. The video spread like wildfire on social media.
The BCCI, in a statement on Monday, didn't reveal the exact reason behind Virat's absence but the board did say that the player has its and the skipper Rohit Sharma's full support on the matter. The BCCI hasn't yet revealed the squad for the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Test against England. Kohli could make a comeback for the last three Tests, depending on the personal situation he is in.