Indian women's cricketer Deepti Sharma on Monday said that she is "extremely grateful" to be nominated for the Arjuna award by the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI). The 24-year-old spinner also thanked her mentors and coaches for constant support and said she will keep on performing well in the future. "I'm extremely grateful to be nominated by the @BCCI for the Arjuna award. Would like to thank all my coaches, mentors and the team for supporting me through the journey. Will keep giving my best," Deepti tweeted.
Deepti holds the record for the highest individual Women's ODI score by an Indian player and is also the only Indian spinner to take 6 WODI wickets.
Deepti was economical during India's run in the Women's T20 World Cup 2020. In the tournament opener against Australia, she gave just 17 runs in the four overs. While in the match against Sri Lanka, she delivered a standout performance by taking a wicket and giving away 16 runs.
The BCCI also nominated Indian cricketers Ishant Sharma and Shikhar Dhawan for Arjuna Awards.
While Indian cricketer Rohit Sharma was nominated for the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award 2020 by the apex body of cricket in India.