Former India cricketer Yograj Singh left everyone utterly shocked after he shared an unheard tale of an incident with Kapil Dev. In a recent podcast with YouTuber Samdish Bhatia, Yograj revealed that he had threatened India's 1983 World Cup-winning captain with a gun after Kapil dropped him from the domestic team "for no reason". Yograj, who is the father of the legendary India all-rounder Yuvraj Singh, is widely known for his blunt takes and unfiltered opinions on various topics.
Talking about the incident, Yograj revealed that he went to the former India captain's house with his pistol but changed his mind, showing mercy on latter's mother. Yograj also said that he abused Kapil.
As Yograj's interview with Samdish made headlines, Kapil was recently asked about the incident and the former India skipper won everyone's heart with his stunning response.
Responding to a journalist's question on the same topic, Kapil refused to recognize Yograj and said, "Kon? Kiski baat kar rahe ho? (Who? Whom are you talking about?)."
The journalist quickly responded by stating that Yograj is Yuvraj Singh's father. To this, Kapil said, "Accha, vo. Aur kuch? (Ohh, him. Anything else?)."
Yograj had stated that his wife wanted to ask some questions to Kapil after he snubbed her husband from the domestic team.
"My wife (Yuvi's mother) wanted me to ask Kapil questions. I told her that I would teach this bloody man a lesson. I took my pistol out, I went to Kapil's house in Sector 9. He came out with his mother. I abused him a dozen times. I told him because of you I have lost a friend and what you have done, you will pay for it," Yograj said on YouTube channel 'Unfiltered by Samdish'
"I told him, 'I want to put a bullet through your head, but I am not doing it because you have a very pious mother, who is standing here.' I told Shabnam, 'Let's go.'