Former spinner Harbhajan Singh came out in support of star batter Rohit Sharma after a user on X accused the India captain of leaking dressing room discussions. Reports have been circulating on social media over a possible rift within the team, and Rohit's exclusion from the playing XI for the ongoing Sydney Test has further intensified those claims. Ahead of the Sydney Test, India head coach Gautam Gambhir had rubbished the claims of a rift in the dressing room, saying that they were "just reports, not truth".
Amid the ongoing Test in Sydney, a report in The Australian claimed that the Indian team's unexpected act at Perth triggered quite a few questions after the players broke into different groups as they ventured out to celebrate the win.
While it was expected that the entire team would go out together and celebrate the win together, it all actually happened in different groups.
India head coach Gautam Gambhir was spotted enjoying a quiet Indian meal with his family while some of the youngsters in the team were seen later at night floating around Hay Street. In fact, a senior member of India's support staff reportedly offered his own credit card to pay for the players' drinks but no interest was shown.
The reporter then claimed to have had an encounter with a reserve member of the Indian team at a kebab shop at 1.45 am the night before one of the Tests on the tour.